Why Should I Use Typeform?


What is typeform?

Forms! There are many tools to help you put forms on your website… MANY.

Typeform is one of the form tools for helping extend what your website can do. This article is designed to introduce newcomers to typeform and cover the core reasons why it is a powerful business tool and the main features that make it different from Jotform, Formstack, Surveymonkey etc.

Features & Benefits

  • Single Questions Ask single questions - one at a time. This single feature is the biggest visual differentiator. By asking one question at a time, the user experience is simplified and this increases engagement.

  • Threaded Answers Typeform allows you to weave the answers to questions into subsequent questions, which makes the user feel part of the process and connected to the form.

  • Logical flow. Ask questions depending on answers, which enables you to create logical trees of questions that are relevant to the responder. By asking exclusively relevant questions, you can shorten the time needed to complete your form, and make it more pleasant for the responder.

  • Scored answers with different end screens (end points) depending on scores, you can give personalised feedback, or relevant links to your responder.

  • Management dashboard with rich analysis and guidance to help refine your forms to improve completion and enhance engagement.

  • Embedding options Multiple website embed methods for maximum compatibility with CMS’s.

  • Integration with other parts of your business workflow.

  • Conditional logic of Typeform provides an unusual but effective way of routing enquiries to the right department, or customers to the services or products they are looking for.

    A key advantage of this approach is that in using Typeform for this type of visitor guidance is that you get insight into patterns of requirements - via the dashboard you can see what visitors are looking for. Gain valuable knowledge of customer behaviour, requirements or attitude.

typeform Example: centralised Accident Report

Scenario: A business may have 1 or more sites, the more sites - the bigger the problem of recording accidents and incidents. It is a legal requirement to record accidents involving members of staff, or members of the public on business premises. There are complex requirements for further investigation and reporting, depending on the type of industry, the nature of the accident and so on, but here is a simple example of an online accident book.

In the example below, we have created a simple typeform to report an accident. The simplicity of the idea is that it can be done from any website, via a mobile anywhere - but centralises accident reports and give a notification method according to your best practice rules. using this simple form, you have created an online accident reporting system, with conditional notifications, and realtime statistics of frequency, severity, or as a starting point for further investigation.

A simple but powerful solution to a complex problem of hidden data.


how to start using Typeform. A Video Introduction

This short video (5 Mins) Shows how to get started with Typeform and offers a brief orientation of creating a form and embedding it on a website.

This video is a short example of how we support clients, and answer specific questions. These videos are embedded on client pages on our website to provide support for clients, now and into the future.


Free trial of Typeform

For more help and a personal 1:1 where we can go over your specific needs, please contact us on 01332 875700 or via our contact page here


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